On Tuesday, October 6, 2020, the City Council will conduct a public hearing on the potential reauthorization, extension, and modification of the Residential Infill Pilot Program, as codified in the Tacoma Municipal Code, Section 13.05.060.
The hearing will be held during the City Council meeting and will begin upon completion of the regular agenda items, no earlier than 5:15 p.m.
For additional details, please see below or view the full public notice at www.cityoftacoma.org/government/city_council/Notices.
In response to community and City leaders concerns about displacement and an immediate need for more housing in the Tacoma, Council adopted Ordinance 28336. The ordinance allowed for the creation of the Residential Infill Pilot Program (TMC13.05.060) in 2016. The program promotes innovative residential infill housing while ensuring high‐quality and neighborhood compatibility by providing tools to evaluate new housing types, exploring housing diversity, and informing future Council decisions. The current program has reached capacity. The proposed modifications to the Residential Infill Pilot Program, which are summarized below, would extend and expand the program and provide new flexibilities.
For more information and the draft program documents, visit www.cityoftacoma.org/infill.
Expand Infill Housing Types:
- Add a new Planned Infill Housing category (formerly referred to as Density‐based Housing)
- Increase the number of each housing type allowed through the program
Modify design requirements and other standards, including:
- Increase flexibility for the Two‐family Housing type by removing the requirement to be on a corner lot, and to present the general appearance of a detached single‐family dwelling
- Increase emphasis on qualitative design review of all categories
- Other changes for improved design outcomes, program clarity and consistency with Building Code
- Remove parking requirement for projects reviewed by the Infill Pilot Program
Streamline the permit process
- Integrate the Infill Pilot Program review process into the Conditional Use Permit process (ratherthan requiring both separately.
- Update the program handbook to reflect changes and promote quality and performance through improved guidance.
Instaslums is exactly what this represents.
This proposal is brought to you by the same people whose policies have never lived up to even the most rudimentary of their claims.