You are invited to the North End Neighborhood Council Meeting Monday, November 7th, 6:00 PM Our presentation topic is Home in Tacoma Phase II with guest Elliott Barnett from the Planning Department at the City of Tacoma. We will have hot cider and cookies prior to the meeting at 5.30pm. Our agenda for November’s meeting is… Read more →

What did your neighborhood tree canopy look like in 1931? And today?
Check out these aerial maps, zoom in & out to see what your street or home looked like in 1931. Uncheck the box and it will flip to 2022.,47.2534,-122.4766,47.2656 In either time period, do you see allot of trees? Probably not, since most of Tacoma had it’s old growth forests clear cut. Exceptions were Pt. Defiance Park,… Read more →
NENC Meeting on Monday, August 1st 6-8pm
Baby It’s Hot Outside! How to cool off? “More Trees, Please!” You are invited to the North End Neighborhood Council Meeting Monday, August 1st, 6:00 PM We’re experiencing yet another scorching hot summer in our region. So right now, who wouldn’t want to sit under a beautiful, shady tree? But cool shade is not the only benefit… Read more →
NENC meeting preview – April 4, 2022 at 6pm
The North End Neighborhood Council regularly meets on the first Monday each month. Join us on April 4, 2022, at 6:00 p.m., for a virtual meeting with presentations and discussion about: Nominations for, and election of, NENC Board Officers Historic Tacoma presentation – Michael Lafreniere will provide an overview of this local non-profit organization involved with historic preservation efforts to… Read more →
March 7th Meeting – Citywide zoning changes, South Tacoma warehouse, and crime
The North End Neighborhood Council regularly meets on the first Monday each month. Join us on March 7, 2022, for a virtual meeting with presentations and discussion about: Robberies at our North End businesses. Fast tracking to permit an enormous warehouse in South Tacoma, over Tacoma’s largest aquifer (reported by the Tacoma Weekly and the Tacoma News Tribune) Written comments must… Read more →