Even though the need is great, donations to our food banks are dropping off this time of the year. So, in the coming months of winter, please consider making a donation to the Nourish Pierce County Food Bank located at Mason Methodist Church. Although food items are always needed, it’s important to note that… Read more →
NENC Important
NENC Meeting on Monday, December 5th 6-8pm
You are invited to the North End Neighborhood Council Meeting Monday, December 5th, 6:00 PM We will go over the Proctor Neighborhood plan with Lauren Hoogkamer and talk to Metro Parks about future plans. We will have hot cider and cookies prior to the meeting at 5.30pm. Our agenda for December’s meeting is attached to this post.… Read more →
NENC Meeting on Monday, November 7th 6-8pm
You are invited to the North End Neighborhood Council Meeting Monday, November 7th, 6:00 PM Our presentation topic is Home in Tacoma Phase II with guest Elliott Barnett from the Planning Department at the City of Tacoma. We will have hot cider and cookies prior to the meeting at 5.30pm. Our agenda for November’s meeting is… Read more →
NENC – October 29th learn about some very special trees. Join the walk this Saturday October 29th., 2022
North End Fall Tree Walk, this Saturday, October 29th. Meet at 10:30 at the Pin Oak tree near the Wheelock Library for a one- hour walk with arborist Sarah Low. Enjoy learning about the beautiful trees that grace our North End neighborhood. For more info., sign up on the Tacoma Tree Foundation’s website. www.tacomatreefoundation.org/calendar/north-end-tree-walk NENC Meeting: November 7th Presentation: … Read more →