I am resident with a home in the Proctor District. With the increase of population to the North End, I have seen a sharp increase in the amount of extreme speeding on North Proctor Street and I am concerned about safety risks. This is an area with a growing amount of young families but North Proctor is becoming akin to a drag strip and that is not an exaggeration. It would be prudent to address this community issue before any citizens are hurt or killed as a result of the high speeds. Please advise the best way to present this issue to the NENC or get this item on a meeting agenda.
Hi there!
I am resident with a home in the Proctor District. With the increase of population to the North End, I have seen a sharp increase in the amount of extreme speeding on North Proctor Street and I am concerned about safety risks. This is an area with a growing amount of young families but North Proctor is becoming akin to a drag strip and that is not an exaggeration. It would be prudent to address this community issue before any citizens are hurt or killed as a result of the high speeds. Please advise the best way to present this issue to the NENC or get this item on a meeting agenda.
Thank you.