NENC Agenda For June Meeting (06/03/24)


North End Neighborhood Council Meeting

Monday June 3, 2024
6:00 p.m.
Cookies & Hot Cider from 5:30 p.m.



Rotunda at the
University of Puget Sound
Wheelock Student Center
3209 15th St.

Virtual – Via Zoom
Meeting ID: 882 2046 7648
Passcode: 649767


Meeting Agenda:


1) Call to order, adoption of agenda —
2) Introductions and welcome—
3) Announcements —
4) Approval of Minutes
5) Treasurer’s Report
6) Standard Liaison Reports
-Tacoma Public Utilities
-City Manager’s Office
7) City Council Member Reports

8) City of Tacoma’s Comprehensive Plan
Alyssa Torrez – Senior Planner – Long Range Planning



The NENC Liaisons will be attending the meeting in person. After each gives a short update on their respective organization, they will participate in an interactive dialogue on issues that are of importance to the City of Tacoma in general and the North End specifically.


The first two issues identified for discussion are:


I. PLANNING – The City of Tacoma has numerous planning initiatives and programs including the update of the Comprehensive Plan, Home in Tacoma, Neighborhood Plans (McKinley and Proctor) etc. Many of these efforts focus on a need, and desire, to densify housing within the city. How does your organization provide input to those planning initiatives and what ideas do you have to ensure that planning meets the needs of your organization, the City and the distinct neighborhoods?


II. HOMELESS/UNHOUSED ISSUES – The problems of homelessness are both visible and invisible. How is your organization impacted by this issue and what initiatives and programs are you implementing, or planning, to address and improve the situation?


10) Old Business
Home in Tacoma 2
Amici House
Cushman Commons
Rendering Plant

11) New Business
12) Adjournment


NOTE: Our next meeting will be Monday, July 1, when the main presentation will be a presentation on the future of the Cushman and Adams Substations.

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