Monday March 3, 2025
6:00 p.m.
Cookies & Cider from 5:30 p.m.
University of Puget Sound
Welcome Center – 3211 N 15th St
Presentation Room (#102)
Virtual – Via Zoom
Meeting ID: 882 2046 7648
Passcode: 649767
In addition to our regular Liaison and Council Member reports, tonight’s meeting will include:
A presentation on Tacoma Streets Initiative II which will be on the April 2025 ballot. If passed the Initiative will raise $37 million a year for street improvements, multimodal enhancements, and residential upgrades.
A presentation on the park trail in the Garfield Gulch and the status of the larger Bayside Trail system connecting to downtown that it is part of.
Meeting Agenda:
1) Call to order, adoption of agenda —
2) Introductions and welcome—
3) Announcements —
Tacoma Tree Foundation – North End Volunteer Training – March 6 5:30 – 7:30 pm
4) Approval of Minutes
5) Treasurer’s Report
6) Standard Liaison Reports
-Tacoma Public Utilities
-Pierce County Transit
-Fire Department
-City Manager’s Office
7) City Council Member Reports
8) Old Business
Tacoma Urban Forest
Amici House
Lowell Elementary School
Rendering Plant
9) Tacoma Streets Initiative II
Matt Fengler, Assistant Division Manager, Street Operations, Public Works Department
Over the past decade, the voter enacted Tacoma Streets Initiative has allowed the Public Works Department to complete over $397 million in critical infrastructure improvements in the City’s rights-of-way. As the current funding nears expiration in December 2025, Tacoma is planning to bring Tacoma Streets Initiative II to the April 2025 ballot.
Tacoma is gearing up for the next phase of the Tacoma Streets Initiative that will focus on:
Replacing Proposition A by continuing to impose the 1/10th of 1% sales tax dedicated to the Transportation Benefit District.
Enhancing funding through a proposed ballot measure that will replace the current Proposition 3 rates—1.5% utility tax and a property tax rate of $0.20 per $1,000 of assessed value—with an increase to a 2% utility tax and $0.25 per $1,000 of assessed value.
Tacoma Streets Initiative II is expected to raise $37 million a year for street improvements, multimodal enhancements, and residential upgrades.
10) The Bayside Trails. Ben Lackey
What are the Bayside Trails? In 1975 a 2.5 mile trail was constructed from Downtown to Tacoma to Old Town. All that currently remains is a trail in the Garfield Gulch but a local resident believes that the complete trail can, and should, be restored and will explain what needs to occur to make that a reality.
11) New Business
House Bill 1576/Senate Bill 5554 Potential restrictions on the way communities are able to designate local landmarks.
12) Adjournment
NOTE: Our next meeting will be Monday, April 7 when we will receive an update on the Cushman/Adams Reuse Study and by Tacoma Library.
At Large and District Council Members:
CM John Hines represents citizens District 1
CM Sarah Rumbaugh represents citizens District 2
Three Council Members represents citizens in At-Large:
Deputy Mayor Kiara Daniels; Kristina Walker and Olgy Diaz
North End Neighborhood Council Board
Direct your questions or comments to:
Chair, Peter Bennett, Vice-Chair, Tobi Bet Treasurer, Jodi Cook
Secretary, Bonnie O’LearyJoe Tieger, Georgette Reuter, Geoff Corso, Danielle Villegas