The Feb. 4, 2019 meeting has been cancelled due to winter weather. However, we encourage you to hear updates on discussions about Cushman-Adams from City Planner Elliott Barnett, about the next steps in process to determine the future use of these locally, national and state historic preservation buildings and properties. Additionally, hear from Metro Parks Board President, Andrea Smith about… Read more →
SAFE STREETS information program Aug. 20, 2018 at 6:30pm
Would you like to learn more about how you can improve safety and reduce crime in your neighborhood? Learn more at a Safe Streets Campaign event tomorrow in the North End (Monday, August 20). Details: Safe Streets Program ( Monday, August 20, 2018 6:30 p.m. Tacoma Police Substation #2 – 5140 North 26th Street, Tacoma If you would like to… Read more →
Our next meeting: City budget, potential zoning changes, and substation updates – Aug. 6, 2018
We will have a special presentation on the City of Tacoma budget from City Manager Elizabeth Pauli at the August 6, 2018 meeting. Do you have thoughts about the City of Tacoma’s budget priorities? Attend this month’s NENC meeting and provide your input! Other topics at the August meeting will include … Cushman/Adams Substation updates; Info on potential zoning changes… Read more →
Updates from Olympia from our State Reps at the next NENC Meeting – May 7, 2018 at 6pm
We’re excited for the upcoming North End Neighborhood Council meeting on May 7th which will include presentations from: Pierce County Council representative Derek Young, State Representatives Jake Fey and Laurie Jinkins with updates from Olympia, and Aaron Copado on “Make a Splash” grants. Plus our neighborhood council liaisons will provide their regular reports, which are always full of… Read more →
North 21st Street Tower & Pole Replacement public meeting – March 29, 2018
Come learn about Tacoma Power’s North 21st Street Tower and Pole Replacement project. Experts will share history, details about streetscape improvements, traffic impacts, and the construction schedule. Public Meeting: North 21st Street Tower & Pole Replacement Project Thursday, March 29 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Jefferson Elementary School Gym, 4302 N 13th St, Tacoma 98406 To learn more about the North… Read more →