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NENC letter re: neighborhood outreach and City Council citizens forum

  The North End Neighborhood Council recently voted to recommend to the City Council that it reject Resolution 39882 terminating the Citizens Forum and also recommended consultations on this matter with the neighborhood councils. Letters have been sent to the Mayor and Council, as well as the new incoming representatives. The Resolution will receive a Final Reading at the Council… Read more →

Do you have a great idea for how to improve the North End?

If you have a great idea for how to improve the North End Neighborhood, please consider submitting an Innovative Grant application. Money from city is just waiting to be applied to our neighborhood! The application deadline is December 15. Please let NENC know if you need help with the application process. More info & application at   Read more →

Want to be more involved in your neighborhood? Join the NENC Board! Elections November 6, 2017

  If you live, work, or own property in the North End and want to be more involved in the neighborhood, you should consider joining the NENC Board. Our annual Board elections are coming up at the November 6 meeting. Other than the live/work/own requirement, the other main requirement is that you’ve attended two or more meetings in the previous… Read more →